How to Find Motivation to Study During Quarantine


carantineToday, all of us suffer from the misfortune conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has already taken away thousands of human lives and it doesn’t seem to stop in the nearest two years. Consequently, different institutions have undertaken special preventive measures to avoid the spreading of the disease. For example, all educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) have opted for distance learning. While students don’t attend classes on campus, this measure minimizes the potential risks of falling ill. In the meanwhile, it becomes a severe challenge for many youngsters. They lose the motivation to study and it leads to poor academic results.

Many reasons cause the loss of motivation and inspiration. The consequences may be disastrous for students and the country. Nobody is confident when the pandemic will be over. Most experts think that it will last for at least two years more. Accordingly, students will learn online all this time long. If they don’t study diligently, they will not receive the necessary knowledge to become real specialists in the chosen spheres. Two years is a severe gap and students must do something to avoid the problems. Of course, their teacher and parents are supposed to support them in all possible ways and encourage them to study diligently. This informative article will help to define how to find the motivation to study during the quarantine.

Create A Reward System for Completing Work

Our first tip is universal and suits both learners and educators. It’s necessary to create a wise reward system. If you’re a student, think about the most desirable things. These may be short trips to special locations or simply reading a nice book or watching your favorite movie. Think about the things you adore and pamper yourself every time you reach a certain learning objective.
If you’re a teacher/professor, you should likewise propose some reward system. These may be additional grades, special presents, or even one day-off. You know your students better. Consider their preferences and try to satisfy them to encourage their learning.

Have a Good Study Plan

It’s necessary to control your time and know what should be completed. This approach helps to become organized and disciplined. You should take an organizer and schedule your future steps. Set short- and long-term objectives. Add descriptions and explanations on how to meet them. Make sure your plan includes realistic objectives. The deadlines must be manageable as well.

If you set unrealistic objectives, you won’t fulfill them. Consequently, you’ll get upset and even disappointed after several failures. It will definitely lead to a lack of motivation to study. Therefore, evaluate your strengths and be a realist. Check your progress regularly to understand how good you are. Perhaps some improvements and adjustments are required.

Avoid Distractions

The second tip is to avoid all sorts of distractions. Students tend to undertake things that steal away their precious time. They may not even recognize the problem until it’s too late. This obstacle becomes extremely critical when youngsters study online at home without the physical control of their teachers and professors. They frequently play hooky and prefer entertainment to studies.

For example, teenagers adore playing video games. It becomes their obsession and seems to be a serious sickness. They burn out their lives and don’t learn anything useful. You should be honest with yourself and strictly control the time spent on playing video games or doing other non-academic activities. The common students’ distractions are:

  • Playing video games;
  • Watching television;
  • Hanging out with friends;
  • Chatting on social media platforms.

When you schedule your working hours, don’t forget about the hours to have rest. You need it as well to avoid exhaustion. You can use these hours to undertake the things mentioned in our list. If you’re a wise student, you’ll control your time effectively. If you’re a teacher/professor who is reading this article right now, obligatorily memorize this tip. Explain to your students what things they should do to make the learning process effective.

Make Learning Your Routine

All students should realize the future dividends from their learning. If they have advanced skills and in-depth knowledge, any corporation would like to employ them. To reach perfection, students should study every day. We understand that you do not like that idea. You’ll have to struggle for some time until daily learning becomes your habit. When you reach that objective, it won’t bother you because it’ll be your common routine that you enjoy.

Create a Learning Environment

It’s important to ensure the conditions that contribute to effective learning. We have already mentioned one crucial point. You ought to avoid distractions of any form. Besides, you should surround yourself with motivational tools for learning. Of course, these are your textbooks and other materials required for writing, editing, researching, reading, listening, speaking, etc. Besides, you can add some visuals. These may be posters of the job you want to acquire in the future. Every time you feel you cannot continue learning, look at the motivating tools to get some additional encouragement and enthusiasm. When you learn, make sure nobody interrupts you.

Develop a Personal Learning Style

Online learning is a perfect chance to adjust the curriculum according to your preferences. You can use a great variety of things to get motivated and individualize your style. We have mentioned the creation of a plan. Choose the pace that suits your abilities and set realistic deadlines. You can make learning funnier by using learning applications. If you have advanced technical skills, you’ll easily master any application to speed up and make your learning productive and fun.

Use Technology to Make Learning Easier

We believe that all students use different gadgets and programs to fulfill some of their assignments. As you study at home, make sure you use the full potential of technological innovations. These are:

  • Grammar checkers;
  • Editors;
  • Plagiarism checkers;
  • Topic generators;
  • Organizers;
  • Citation generators, etc.

All these applications will perfectly run on your laptop and smartphone. Besides, most of them are chargeless.

Study Online with Friends

Another excellent recommendation is to collaborate with other students. When you study with your friends, it’ll definitely become more entertaining and easier. You can even throw friendly competitions to accomplish certain assignments faster than the others or earn more grades. Use special programs to create study groups and chat with your friends. Thus, you’ll encourage each other.

Listen to Music While You Learn

Most people cannot imagine their lives without music. If you like music, try to listen to it during your learning sessions. When the favorite tracks sound in the background, it may motivate you to try harder. Many students use this approach and enjoy great success.

Wrapping Up

Learning online for a long time may be challenging for many students. Even many teachers and professors experience definite inconveniences with online learning. Fortunately, there are many ways to find motivation and study effectively during the quarantine. Memorize all our recommendations and use any of them. In fact, students can apply all of them to strengthen their desire to study and become excellent specialists. They aren’t hard to follow and you will always remain highly motivated and inspired to enrich your academic knowledge every day.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
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Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.
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